Snow Mold and Your Lawn - Spring

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Spring is here and Tonka Turf is already cleaning up our clients lawns. This is early for us by at least a week! If you are interested in a spring clean-up for your property, contact us today. We are also currently signing up weekly lawn care clients.

As the grass recovers from the winter months, some lawns have show signs of SNOW MOLD.

It is useful to determine whether the disease is pink or gray snow mold because gray snow mold rarely damages more than the blades of the grass. Lawns with gray snow mold can be expected to recover fairly quickly even when damage appears extensive. Pink snow mold, in contrast, may invade the crowns and roots causing more serious injury. It is not unusual for both types of snow mold to be found in the same area. All common lawn grasses may be infected, but Kentucky bluegrass-fescue lawns are the least susceptible to severe damage.

Tonka Turf is the trusted business to get your lawn back to normal if it has suffered from snow mold. We also offer fertilizer applications, de-thatching and weed control. Let us help you have the best lawn season ever!


Benefits of an Owner-Operated Lawn Care Business


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